Spirituelle Phönix Medizin

Knowledge database
Symptoms and disease patterns


Anorexia is a form of eating disorder characterized by the fact that the person concerned, avoids food for fear of being overweight.

From a spiritual point of view, the main cause lies in the lung organ, which is responsible for earth maturity. Mostly the disease affects girls beginning in puberty, when humans become ripe for earth maturity. Earth maturity also means that a person wants to submit to the principles of life. This means that he turns to the opposite sex.

  1. The young people do not like this, they have zero desire and go into a refusal or protest attitude, which is directed against the whole life and also against the entrance into the earth heaviness.
  2. Step: The young people also reject everything that the earth gives.
  3. Step: People refuse earthly food. Yogurt is eaten because it is most similar to the mother principle and appears least earthy.


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