Remote Healing
We can channel healing energy and light impulses from afar, in any form, in all directions, to humans and animals. The method of remote healing has existed for more than 2,000 years. It works sustainably and effectively because we are all connected with everything.
In remote healing, an ultraviolet light impulse goes from me as the healer to the patient, which, like all higher light impulses, comes from the plane of Atma (divine Akasha). This is also the level of light and form. We already know that the information in DNA light waves and chromosomes can be altered by our thoughts and feelings, as well as by our perception. This is the basis for healing through the power of thoughts…
Depending on the issue, I apply different healing colors:
- For time stress: blue and shades of blue
- For doubt: green and shades of green
- For negative thoughts: yellow and shades of yellow
- For fears: orange and shades of orange
- For compulsions: red and shades of red
Color transmission from hyperspace to matter/body. The colored light is transmitted directly into the chromosomal DNA, and the soul can give birth to healing.
The process of remote healing is an extremely sensitive field because our cosmic consciousness is always at work. Our brain operates with electricity; it has an electromagnetic field and emits weak electrical impulses. These move in a frequency range of 1 to 30 Hertz.
Thought transmissions occur via the Matrix, and it is extremely important to know one’s Matrix and to protect it from any kind of access. Here, as a remote healer, I provide assistance.