The Zodiac Medicine

The zodiac with its astrological signs is not a coincidence, but it has crystallized over the millennia, it exists in the different cultures under different names and gives
the human being born in the light of a sign its special imprint. This is a wonderful foundation to better understand people, their needs and their problems.
Time period |
19.04.-12.05. |
13.05.-19.06. |
20.06.-18.07. |
19.07.-09.08. |
10.08.-15.09. |
16.09.-31.10. |
01.11.-18.11. |
19.11.-19.12. |
20.12.-16.01. |
17.01.-13.02. |
14.02.-10.03. |
11.03.-18.04. |
zodiac signs |
Aries |
Taurus |
Gemini |
cancer |
Leo |
Virgo |
Libra |
scorpion |
Sagittarius |
Capricorn |
Aquarius |
Pisces |
night house |
Libra, Andromeda |
scorpion |
Sagittarius, Libra |
Capricorn |
Aquarius |
Fish, Aquarius |
Aries, Gemini |
Taurus |
Geminis |
cancer |
Leo, Sagittarius |
Virgo |
The teacher |
unknowingness |
annoyance |
intemperance |
craving |
injustice |
greed, acquisitiveness |
fraud |
jealousy |
trick |
rage |
imprudence |
Lose yourself, exude yourself |
The solution |
doctrine |
joy |
seclusion |
self-control |
righteousness |
The power of goodness |
Truth needs no envy |
Truth and goodness |
honor |
light |
patience |
mindfulness, clarity |
meridian assignment |
gallbladder meridian |
3-fold heater |
pulmonary meridian |
stomach meridian |
cardiac meridian |
small intestine meridian |
kidney meridian |
intestinal meridian |
liver meridian |
splenic meridian |
Circulatory Sex Meridian |
bladder meridian |
The fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) tend to sudden illnesses, high fever, as well as illnesses that surprise those parts of the body that are governed by the respective sun sign of the element fire. The ability to recover is strong and rapid. Aries, lions and Sagittarius rarely suffer from chronic diseases.
The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) tend to have deep-seated physical illnesses that develop over years. They have a tendency to depression. The ability to recover is slow but strong.
The air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) tend to stress and psychological disorders, nervous breakdowns, respiratory and circulatory problems. No statement can be made about the ability to recover.
The watermarks (cancer, scorpion, fish) tend to diseases that are difficult to diagnose and protracted, deep melancholy. The ability to recover is completely under one’s own control, whether this is recognized on the conscious level or not. Here the Jesus-principle works especially: “Faith and you will get well”.
The people born in the fire are the will people.
The people born in the water are the emotional people.
The people born in the air are the people of the mind.
The people born in the earth are the people of reality.
This means, for example, that the earth people are united by their sense for the “solid” (Latin solus = earth) and the constant, their closeness to reality, their perseverance and their love for the practical, the concrete and the familiar. The deed is important to them; the reality must be visible.
The domain of the sun signs in the body
Here you find the allocation of the individual body parts to the individual zodiac signs:
Zodiac signs | body assignment |
Aries | head, face (except nose), the two hemispheres of the brain |
Taurus | throat, pharynx, larynx, almonds, carotid artery and throttle veins |
Gemini | shoulders, arms, fingers, lungs, thymus gland and upper ribs |
Cancer | Stomach, diaphragm, breasts and lactiferous duct, lymphatic system |
Leo | heart, aorta, back and spine |
Virgo | large intestine, small intestine and pancreas |
Libra | Kidneys, balance organs, sometimes skin |
Scorpion | nose, genitals, descending colon, rectum, blood, urinary tract, sometimes back |
Sagittarius | Hips, thighs, liver, veins, femur and cruciate region |
Capricorn | Teeth, bones, kneecap and skin |
Aquarius | lower leg and ankle, varicose veins, blood circulation |
Fish | feet and toes, sometimes the lungs and associatively the intestines, as well as the whole organism, as far as “leaks and leakage of liquids” are concerned. |
meridian assignment
The meridian classification of Traditional Chinese Medicine provides further information about the nature of the zodiac sign:
Zodiac signs |
Aries |
Taurus |
Gemini |
cancer |
Leo |
Virgo |
Libra |
scorpion |
Sagittarius |
Capricorn |
Aquarius |
Pisces |
Meridian |
gallbladder meridian |
3-fold heater |
lung meridian |
stomach meridian |
cardiac meridian |
small intestine meridian |
renal meridian |
intestinal meridian |
liver meridian |
splenic meridian |
Circulatory Sexus |
bladder meridian |
guiding principle |
I adore myself. |
I carry hope into the world, everything is always possible with the principle of hope. |
I am tolerant, the giving and taking must be balanced. |
I am satisfied |
I live love |
I live my joy of life |
I am giving myself security |
I live my value |
I’m full of the will to live. |
I live my strength, I love myself. |
I protect the heart |
I’m peaceful. |