Spirituelle Phönix Medizin

Knowledge database
Symptoms and disease patterns

spleen weakness

The spleen as an organ in the human system is responsible for the strength of the ego and the spleen lotus is responsible for the evolutionary power of man.

When man uses his voice to create unrest, the principle of Mercury intervenes and weakens the spleen. Each time a person weakens another, he loses his own spleen energy. Nobody has the right to decide or judge a person’s situation if he or she was not personally present.

In case of spleen weakness, the immune system collapses and all intestinal diseases are also at home here (fear or constipation).

6.7.2018 The spleen is connected to the Buddhahood and if a person cannot live his ego strength then he slips into the astral plane, into the element fire. The result is immune disorders.


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