Sexual disorders have many different faces and causes. In Tibetan medicine, a person with a sexual disorder is standing in a “sea of flames” and this ember creates the earth. In the pelvis, where the PC muscle (see bladder weakness) also plays an important role, also lies the gate to human integration. The human Kundalini gets stuck at the bottom and the life force disappears. The fire cannot flow away and the human body pours out mucus (humoral juice) to extinguish the fire. The mucus in the body causes constipation at all levels, which ultimately leads to high blood pressure. Aversion and hatred against sexual activities fuel the fire and eventually lead to blindness. He thus forms an egocentric point of view and is not prepared to enter into the state of “I am dissolving” or “I am giving myself up” because he does not want to experience it. A picture of this would be the sunbeam that meets snow and the snow melts away.
The sea of flames melts the ice, the stiffness of human feelings. The sea of flames also loosens the metal from the rock. The element metal is assigned to the lung, which is responsible for the exchange on the subject of sexuality on all levels and can therefore also release the emotions of the sibling meridian of the colon, guilt and shame, so that man can let go of them.
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