We can channel cosmic-divine healing energy from the universe to all people and animals from a distance because we are all cosmically interconnected. Energy can be transmitted in any form in all directions.
The method of distance healing has been around for more than 2000 years. It has a lasting and effective effect. Since the discovery of quantum theory at the latest, we also know why it works so well.
Remote healing is about the transportation of matter or energy beyond the speed of light, outside of space and time. Photons or light quanta, like particles of light, travel at faster-than-light speeds and are always ready for teleportation (long-distance transmission). In 1977, Anton Zeitlinger from the University of Innsbruck made wonderful discoveries in this field and remote healingwith scientific proof once again gained adherents. Zeitlinger published the following theory: he controlled Dies ist ein geschützter Inhalt für kostenpflichtige Mitglieder. Noch kein Premium Mitglied? Hier klicken!
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